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7 Things Successful People Do On The Weekends

Posted On : 30-Sep-2016

Doing piles of laundry, cleaning and finishing up some leftover work assignments. These dreary tasks are not what successful people do on the weekend. Instead, they fill their free days with recharging activities that allow their brains to reboot after a frenetic work week.

According to Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, professional superstars limit their chores on Saturdays and Sundays and instead use those hours to relax with family and exercise (after all, sitting at a desk for hours on end can wreak havoc on the body). A 2014 study from Stanford found that a person's productivity declines when his or her workweek exceeds 50 hours. In fact, productivity plummets so dramatically that after 55 hours, the study found that there's hardly a point to working. 

The infographic below, which is based on Vanderkam's findings, offers smart habits that'll help prepare the brain to take Monday by storm. Workaholics are advised to take note (and print the chart and tape it to their laptop).


Source: The Huffington Post

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