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Services Available

Posted On : 02-Jan-2024
Last updated on 12 June 2024

​PETRONAS users benefit from access to five modules provided by Energy Intelligence under an enterprise license. These modules include:

  1. ​Oil Markets Service,
  2. Energy Transition Service,
  3. Global LNG Service,
  4. Competitive Intelligence Service,
  5. Risk Service, and,
  6. Energy Intelligence Premium​

Oil Markets Service (OMS)

Robust fundamentals & oil market data with in-depth market analysis.


  • Timely market-focused data, news, research, and analysis.
  • Extensive data sets encompassing over 500 time series and exceeding 75,000 individual data points, dating back to 1978.
  • A comprehensive package featuring weekly and monthly analyses.
  • News articles are crafted by experienced oil market journalists with vast networks within the energy industry, including oil ministries, agencies, national oil companies, international oil companies, and trading entities.
  • Structured and customized client interactions facilitated through the Oil Markets House View Call.

Energy Transition Service (ETS)
​Guiding the energy industry through the low-carbon transition.


  • Energy Intelligence's exclusive Climate Risk ESG benchmark.
  • The proprietary Vulnerability Index.
  • Evaluation of demand risks and competition between different energy sources.
  • A weekly newsfeed covering significant trends in the energy transition landscape, encompassing areas such as nuclear energy.
  • Regular market coverage pinpointed emerging technologies in transportation, renewable power generation, electricity storage, and the oil and gas sector's decarbonization, shaping and driving industry developments.

Global LNG Service (GLNG)​
​The Global LNG Service offers news, analysis, data, and insights into the immediate dynamics of the global LNG market.


  • ​Market briefs, LNG price data, and industry monitoring intelligence.
  • Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual outlooks, along with benchmarking reports and strategic assessments.
  • Critical Trends in the LNG market.
  • LNG Market Evolution Report.
  • Updates on LNG supply and demand.
  • Reports specifically focused on individual LNG projects.
  • Comprehensive pricing information, along with supply/demand data and forecasts.

Competitive Intelligence Service (CIS)​

Forward-looking analysis, peer-group benchmarking and insights on corporate strategies.​


  • ​In-depth corporate strategy and competitor research and analysis, encompassing coverage of energy transition strategies.
  • Contextual analysis provides insight into the implications of significant corporate developments across the energy industry.
  • News authored by experienced energy markets journalists with extensive industry contacts.
  • Corporate and financial data extracts on the world’s largest oil and gas companies.
  • Direct access to experts, offering in-person briefings and Q&A sessions tailored to address specific business challenges or topics of interest.

Risk Service (RS)​

Mitigating risks and capturing opportunities at the nexus of energy, politics and the energy transition.


  • ​Analytical Risk Research benchmarking reports to identify and address cashflow and asset vulnerabilities, serving as a crucial tool for political risk management.
  • Primary sourced news reveals insights from behind the scenes in ministerial meetings, multilateral organizations, and executive boardrooms, shedding light on the competition and cooperation for power and influence in the energy sector.
  • Risk Analysis enables the navigation of near-and long-term political risks and opportunities arising from rapidly changing local and international policy and politics.
  • Market-oriented risk data facilitates actionable comparisons across technologies and regions, is exportable, and is directly integrated into proprietary financial models.
  • Quarterly Executive Risk briefings and answering questions via email or informal discussions.

Energy Intelligence Premium (EIP)​

Integrated service delivers concise, value-added information and analysis on key energy industry topics.


  • Daily curated updates are sourced across the entire spectrum of Energy Intelligence coverage.
  • Email focused on key situations within commodities, geopolitics, corporate events, and daily top stories in the energy industry, gathered from Energy Intelligence's content platform.
  • Focused reviews on the week's main developments impacting the energy industry.
  • Direct access to analysts/content leaders, offering a high-touch service for personalized interaction and insights.