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Services Available

Posted On : 02-Jan-2017
Last updated on 30 May 2024

​​​​​​PETRONAS subscribes to a wide range of Wood Mackenzie research offerings on an Enterprise access basis. The following research is available with a PETRONAS Wood Mackenzie subscription.

Upstream and Carbon Management

Lens Upstream
With integrated commercial and technical upstream data, discover, model, value, and rapidly assess the risk of critical investments in oil and gas.

Lens Carbon
Evaluate opportunities source-to-sink. Identify CO2 emissions, screen storage potential, and analyse planned projects to pinpoint the optimum project locations.

Upstream Service
Quickly identify and screen opportunities at the asset and country level with in-depth intelligence and forward-looking analysis of the upstream oil and gas sector.
Coverage: Central Africa, North Africa, West Africa, Latin America (Atlantic), Latin America (Mexico & Central), Gulf of Mexico (Deepwater), Australasia, South East Asia, Caucasus, Middle East - South East Arabia and Iran, Southern & East Africa, Latin America (Andean), Lower 48 - Gulf Coast, Lower 48 - Mid Continent, Lower 48 - Northeast (Appalachia), Lower 48 - Permian, Lower 48 - Rockies, Lower 48 - West Coast, North America Frontier, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, Gulf of Mexico (Shelf), Indian Sub-Continent, Eastern Asia, North West, Southern, Central & Eastern, UK, Central Asia, Russia, Middle East - North West Arabia

Global Economic Model (GEM)
Screen upstream assets, benchmark your portfolio and maintain your strategic advantage with proprietary economic data for the entire industry. Use our data or input your data and assumptions to value assets and portfolios using our Global Economic Model (GEM).
Coverage: Caucasus, Latin America (Atlantic), Latin America (Central & Mexico), Middle East SE Arabia and Iran, Nigeria, North Africa, Australia, South East Asia, US Gulf of Mexico Deepwater, West Africa.

Unconventional Play Service
View proven and emerging plays around the globe and explore their potential using a variety of unique metrics.
Coverage: Global

Fiscal Service
Optimise the outcomes of fiscal discussions and ensure the most appropriate terms are achieved for new opportunities. With our Fiscal Service, E&P companies, investors and governments can review existing terms and enhance their negotiating power by referencing our independent analysis.​
Coverage: Global

Exploration Service
Get an in-depth analysis of competitor strategies and recent performance of acreage capture, discoveries, and value creation.
Coverage: Global Basins

Gas and LNG

Lens Gas & LNG
Single source for exploring industry data alongside leading expertise, analyses, and modelling insights to enable faster, more accurate operational and strategic level planning and portfolio management decisions.

Global Gas Service
Explore global and inter-regional gas market dynamics to identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and guide investment strategies.​

Global Gas Tool Next Generation
Interrogate Global Gas Model base case outputs to create custom reports on production, demand, price flows and utilisation.

Global Gas Model - Next Generation
Run global gas market simulations under various supply, demand, piped, storage, contract sales and producer behaviour assumptions.

North America Gas Service
Actionable intelligence with unparalleled depth on the current and future state of the North American gas market.

European Energy Service
Understand market fundamentals and pricing drivers in a regional and global context.​

Southeast Asia Gas and Power Service
Understand the drivers that determine supply, demand and pricing in gas and power markets in Southeast Asia.​

LNG Service & Tool
Get a comprehensive understanding of the entire LNG value chain with insight into contracts, demand trends, shipping and key players.

LNG Short-term Analytics
Understand the near-term dynamics of the LNG market to make informed strategic decisions with comprehensive and timely fundamental data.​

Chemicals & Downstream​

Refinery Evaluation Model: Global
Benchmark refineries worldwide and assess their competitive advantage with independent insight into performance.
Coverage: Middle East, Asia, Americas

Macro Oils Service
Develop and compare outlooks on the global oil market with our independent view on oil prices, key drivers and trends.

Product Markets Service
Examine the short- and long-term oil product markets with robust analysis of supply, utilisation and demand, pricing and margins dynamics.
Coverage: Global

Oil Supply Tool
Understand the prospects for future oil and NGL supply, and make astute planning, trading and investment decisions in both upstream and downstream sectors.

Strategic refinery simulation model for refinery operation planning and optimisation.

North America Crude Markets Service
Forecast North American crude flows through all major pipelines, hubs and export terminals to support strategic planning, market analysis and valuation work.

Liquid Renewable Fuels Service
Liquid Renewable Fuels Service is a comprehensive solution for navigating the complex renewable transport fuels market.

Ethylene Oxide, EODs & Glycols
Identify commercial opportunities and evaluate long-term trends with market-leading research on ethylene oxide, glycols, and other (EOD) derivative industries.

Paraxylene & PTA
Through in-depth PX, PTA, DMT, and polyester production capacity analysis, understand paraxylene (PX) and purified terephthalic acid (PTA) price and market conditions and compete more effectively.

Polyester & Raw Materials
Analyse the commercial and strategic drivers of polyester supply and demand, price forecasts, and trends for polyester markets.

Energy, Power & Renewables

​Energy Transition Service
Quantify the pace and change of the energy transition across all commodities, markets, technologies and segments.

Click here​ to view the type of research available in PDF format.