Registering with the PETRONAS Resource Centre
All staff officially affiliated with PETRONAS Holding Company Units and PETRONAS Operating Units are permitted to register with the PETRONAS Resource Centre. Contractual Staff and Interns are eligible for registration to access the Subscribed Databases only. Circulation privileges are not extended to Contractual Staff and Interns.
Please Note: A viable PETRONAS STAFF ID must be presented whenever borrowing materials from PETRONAS Resource Centre.
Loan Privileges
Users are allowed a maximum of 10 items. Loan periods vary among users and will be determined by the Status of the borrower, Type of material and Individual collection policy.
User Responsibilities
As a patron of PETRONAS Resource Centre, it is your responsibility and obligation to understand and comply with PETRONAS' policies and PETRONAS Resource Centre's policies as explained in this document. As a patron, you are responsible for all materials charged to your account. Checking out the library item for someone else with your ID, loaning those items currently checked out to you to another or requesting another party or someone else to return those items on your behalf does not alleviate or relieve your responsibility for such materials.
Email Address
You are not allowed to change your designated email address in your Library Account to another user's email address. Changing of email address to your subordinates', colleagues', pool mail addresses or non-PETRONAS mail is not allowed.
Renewal Policy
Library items may be renewed for 2 consecutive times, once the limit is reached, the item must be returned before it can be checked out again. If at any time you want to reset the number of available renewals, you must bring the item to the Circulation Counter and request for a new loan, rather than a renewal.
Most materials are eligible for renewal. However some exceptions apply:
- Items which have had holds placed on them cannot be renewed.
- Reserve items cannot be renewed.
- Items billed for replacement cannot be renewed.
At any time you may view your Library Account to see a list of your checked out items. If your list shows an item that you believe you have returned, please notify the circulation staff immediately.
Items may be renewed in one of these 4 methods: via email, in person, online or by phone.
Email: PETRONAS Resource Centre accepts renewal via email for all library materials own by PRC and PRCB. Materials from UTP, ALAM, INSTEP and PLC are subject to their own policy. Please refer their respective Librarians for more details. To renew by this method:
- Reply to the notices you receive from, request that the item be renewed. or
- Send Email to to request for renewal. Please include your STAFF ID or ITEM BARCODE NUMBER for the items you wish to renew.
In Person: Bring along overdue notices if there is any, or the books to PETRONAS Petroleum Resource Centre Circulation Desk.
Online: Within 7 days of the item's due date, you may renew your item via PULSE (PETRONAS Ubiquitous Library Search Engine) at Please log into Your library Account and you will see your list of checked out items. Select the ones you want to renew, then click Renew Items. Once submitted, the page will refresh and you will see your new due date. However, PULSE will also indicate failure for renewal, should this happen please contact 1-3807 for assistance.
Phone: Please contact 1-3807 or +603-2331-3807 for assistance.
Returning of Materials
Return borrowed materials directly to Resource Centre's circulation counter. It is very important to return books by the due date. If you are unable to return on time, please contact our Circulation Counter at 03-2331-3807(1-3807) for assistance.
Bookings of Materials (Holds)
If a an item is currently checked out, or you would like to pick an item up at a later time, you can place a booking on the material. Holds can be made remotely via the Web or by phone or by email. Please contact our reader advisor at 03-2331-38150 (1-3815) for assistance.
Circulation Notices
A system generated notices will be sent to you when materials become overdue. However, the system will also send a reminder three days before an item is due back to the library. Overdue notices are distributed only as a courtesy reminder. Regardless of whether a notice is received, you are responsible for returning materials by the due date.
Circulation notices will be generated in the following cycles:
- First Level Overdue
is the first overdue notice which is sent after 1 day of item overdue. At
this level, you are given chance to renew or to return the item to the
- Second Level Overdue
After failure to renew or
to return library materials after receiving the First Overdue Notice,
Second Overdue Notice will be sent 2 days after the 1st notice. PRC
still allows renewal at this level.
- Third Level Overdue
The Third Overdue Notice
will be sent a 2 days after failure to return or to renew item overdue
after receiving Second Overdue Notice. At this level, renewal is still
- The Replacement Bill
The system will send you a
replacement bill for each overdue item. If replacement fees for lost
materials are not received within 7 days from notification that the
money is due at the Libraries, payment will be payroll deducted.
Lost and Damaged Items
Charges for items that are lost or damaged will equal the list/retail price of the item.
Last Revised: January 2017